I can’t believe 2017 is already over. It was another great and crazy year, as they all seem to be the older I get. I thought it would be fun to put together a collage of my favorite moments of 2017, which you can see above.
Family Vacation to Grand Cayman. This is one of my all-time favorite vacations I’ve ever been on. I can’t wait go back in a few short months. Read my travel diary HERE!
Cruise to Key West and Mexico with Nick. We took our annual cruise in August and we both had the time of our lives. We extended our trip so it was almost 3 weeks long and we loved every minute of it! Read my travel diary HERE.
Spending time with Barley. This dog makes me the happiest girl in the world. I love spending time with him, especially at the cabin in the summer. He loves to swim and eat ice cream, just like me!
Visiting my aunt in Florida. I’ve gone to Florida every year for the past four years to spend a week with my great aunt. She has a condo in Navarre that overlooks the ocean and the views are breathtaking. I’ve been all over the world, but my aunt’s condo is one place I always find myself itching to go back to. I always have the best time there. Read my travel diary HERE!
Deciding to stay in college to get a better degree. This was a really hard decision for me. I was so excited to walk across the stage in December to get my degree. I know that deciding to stay in school for a better degree will be worth it in the long run. It will open tons of doors for me and I can’t wait to see how it benefits my future!
Turning 21! I feel like I have been waiting to turn 21 forever and it finally happened in 2017. Now I really feel like an adult!
Going to Prom with Madi. I went to my sister’s senior prom with her and it was so fun. I didn’t expect to have that much fun because, well, it’s a high school dance and I’m 21 years old. It was so fun to dress up fancy and dance and spend the whole night with Madi. The dance was held at Lambeau Field in Green Bay, so that was pretty cool too!
Weekends at the cabin. My parents have had a cabin up north on the lake for as long as I can remember. They are lucky enough to go up there every weekend. I was not so lucky because of my job, but I did get to spend a few weekends there this summer. I love being with my family and detaching from my phone and internet for a few days. Weekends at the cabin have and always will be some of the fondest memories of my life.
Weekend in Texas. My cousin Lucy got married in Texas in October so my family and I took a trip down there. It was an extra special wedding because I was the wedding photographer! It was so great to spend time with family I don’t see very often and do a little exploring in Texas, somewhere I’ve never been.
I grew a lot as a person and learned a lot of lessons this past year. I am grateful for all of the amazing experiences and people that made my year special. At the end of every year I like to review my goals from the previous year and see what I accomplished and where I lacked. These were my goals for 2017:
1. Make $100 from my blog.
3. Take two vacations. Texas, Grand Cayman, Florida, Mexico
4. Save money for my house.
5. Buy my first Louis Vuitton bag.
6. Grow my photography business. Almost 20 photoshoots this year!
7. Graduate from college. I’m crossing this off because I would have graduated in December of this year if I hadn’t made the last minute decision to stay in college to get a better degree.
8. Read more books.
9. Better money skills. I tried and experimented with a bunch of different money saving techniques and budget systems this year, and I think I found a few that are going to work for me!
10. Lose weight.
I am a very goal-oriented person, so you can bet I’m setting new ones for 2018 .
1. Grow my blog.
2. Take two vacations.
3. Grow my handmade shop.
4. Take better care of myself.
5. Actually print off and look at some of my photos.
6. Practice gratitude.
7. Buy my first Louis Vuitton Bag.
8. Save money from every paycheck for a house.
9. Shop sales and use coupons when grocery shopping.
10. Spend more time being happy and less time being stressed.
Happy new year to you, I hope it is a year of growth and improvement! What are your goals for the new year?